The first AI Diagnostic Aid solution for nuclear medicine.
Pionus is a Software as a Medical Device (SaMD)
It automatically detects, segments and quantifies anomalies on FDG PET-CT examinations.

The benefits of Pionus
Pionus brings additional security to exam reading, provides access to new indicators in clinical routine and saves time by eliminating redundant and time-consuming tasks.
Our vision
Technical innovations, ever-increasing demand and stagnating numbers of Physicians are putting nuclear medicine under strain. By developing advanced medical image processing technologies, PAIRE is committed to solving the problem of overload by optimizing diagnostic processes through the use of artificial intelligence and automation. PAIRE's scientific approach seeks to increase diagnostic accuracy while reducing operational complexity, thus steering nuclear medicine into a new era of greater efficiency and accessibility.
A growing problem: medical imaging overload

Nuclear medicine is undergoing big changes in its practice, with the rapid development of new theranostic therapies. It is no longer a question of “just seeing”, but of treating lesions in depth. These new therapies are at the forefront of tomorrow's personalized precision medicine. PAIRE wishes to support the development of this specialty in its entirety, and will therefore include the therapeutic pathways of nuclear medicine.
PAIRE will provide pragmatic solutions in nuclear medicine to facilitate the work of doctors, thereby improving patient care and relieving the burden on the current healthcare system.
Contact usNews
PAIRE launches Pionus, its AI solution, following CE marking
PARIS, France (September 2024) - PAIRE, a company specialized in artificial intelligence for nuclear medicine, announces the launch of Pionus, its AI solution, following its new CE marking under the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR 2017/745) and its ISO 13 485 certification.

Fully automatic segmentation of diffuse large B cell lymphoma lesions on 3D FDG-PET/CT for total metabolic tumour volume prediction using a convolutional neural network
Learn moreÉvaluation en routine clinique de PaIRe, outil d’intelligence artificielle pour la détection et la quantification automatique des lésions en TEP/TDM au 18F-FDG
Learn moreComparison of two artificial intelligence tools for anomaly detection and segmentation in 18F-FDG-PET/CT in a monocentric lung and breast cancers patient cohorts
Evaluation of PaIRe PET/CT segmentation software as cancerous lesion contouring tool in fully-automated annotation workflows for image-based research studies
About us
Founded in 2021, PAIRE aims to provide a pragmatic solution to facilitate the diagnosis of PET-CT examinations.
Our solution, Pionus (Software as a Medical Device), has the ability to detect, segment and quantify anomalies,
which increases measurement accuracy, prevents errors and makes new
essential indicators available.
PAIRE is already available in numerous hospital throughout France.